Our skilled dentists and team are dedicated to your smile and oral health! We have helped countless patients improve their smiles and oral health, and invite you to explore our gallery to see some of the results we have accomplished. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Sara Bekyan and learn more about dental care in West Chester, Pennsylvania, call Westtown Dental Care today at 484-887-0777.

Invisalign pre-op

Invisalign post-op

Pre-Op Old Metal to Porcelain

Post-Op All Porcelain Crowns

Upper-Lower Veneers Pre-Op

Upper-Lower Veneers Post-Op

Implant Pre-Op

Implant Post-Op

Invisalign Pre-Op

Invisalign Post-Op

Invisalign Pre-Op

Invisalign Post-Op

Bridge pre-op

Bridge post-op

Implant & Invisalign pre-op

Implant & Invisalign post-op

Invisalign pre-op

Invisalign post-op

Invisalign pre-op

Invisalign post-op

Implant supported bridge pre-op

Implant supported bridge post-op

Invisalign & Implants pre-op

Invisalign & Implants post-op

Invisalign Pre-op

Invisalign post-op

Invisalign pre-op

Invisalign post-op

Invisalign pre-op

Invisalign post-op

Invisalign pre-op

Invisalign post-op

Invisalign pre-op

Invisalign post-op