Moody Gums: What You Need To Know About Hormones, Bleeding And Oral Health

Hormones are famous for causing many bodily changes: acne, hair growth and voice cracks. But it also has subtler and more holistic bodily effects beyond the pubescent embarrassments. Oral health is an unexamined and unspoken health aspect that the human phases of hormonal change have significant effects on. The most obvious and universal human hormonal change is puberty. However, a... read more »

Hands, Hearts and Mouths? How Gum Disease Could Affect the Whole Body

Did you know bad breath isn’t always the result of skipping brushing or eating a basket of garlic bread? Oftentimes, continual bad breath is more indicative of something amiss in one’s dental health and is regularly linked to gum disease. Gum disease stems from behaviors like the ones stated prior, improper and irregular brushing, forgetting to floss—essentially improper dental hygiene.... read more »