Silent Sleep: Non-Invasive Laser Treatment for Snoring

While our teeth and gums are the well-known focus of dental work, this practice has expanded their care to include further areas of oral health. This blog post centers on one such treatment: laser therapy for snoring and related conditions. As a common affliction, medicine developed many treatments for snoring. The most recognizable are machine-focused, with devices like the CPAP... read more »

How Gum Disease Develops and the Importance of Seeing the Dentist

Last week’s post focused on the body’s interconnectedness, and how unhealthy gums can lead to hosts of health problems in seemingly separate areas of the body, like the heart or lungs. This week, we’ll be focusing on the stages of gum disease, and the importance and efficacy of seeing a professional and treating gum conditions early. The first and least... read more »