A Bronze Age Microbiome: What Ancient Teeth Can Tell Us About Our Health

Generally, humanity’s oral health has solely improved. With increased access to their hygiene tools and doctors who specialize in their health and beauty, our teeth have altogether never looked better. We imagine the crooked or wooden teeth of the past, and tut, enjoying how far technology and science have come. But there are even more differences between ancient and modern... read more »

Moody Gums: What You Need To Know About Hormones, Bleeding And Oral Health

Hormones are famous for causing many bodily changes: acne, hair growth and voice cracks. But it also has subtler and more holistic bodily effects beyond the pubescent embarrassments. Oral health is an unexamined and unspoken health aspect that the human phases of hormonal change have significant effects on. The most obvious and universal human hormonal change is puberty. However, a... read more »

Better Understanding The Dental Impacts Of Pacifier Use In Children

Is your family home filled with fading photos of you, snuggled in some onesie, with a pacifier in your mouth? Are you a parent who had 12 identical copies of your baby’s binkie, which you can go nowhere without in fear of a meltdown? Do you work at a restaurant, and often find abandoned pacifiers lying under tables, with frantic... read more »

Unseen Challenges Of Modern Orthodontics And A Promising Solution For Kids

Though the field of orthodontics has made incredible strides in recent history, with the process shifting from wildly conspicuous to almost unnoticeable, it still harbors some of its oldest "cons” -- pain. The unavoidable fact is editing one’s dentition is an uncomfortable task. Be it through the tightening of wires or the swapping of aligners, exerting the proper pressure on... read more »

How Gum Disease Develops and the Importance of Seeing the Dentist

Last week’s post focused on the body’s interconnectedness, and how unhealthy gums can lead to hosts of health problems in seemingly separate areas of the body, like the heart or lungs. This week, we’ll be focusing on the stages of gum disease, and the importance and efficacy of seeing a professional and treating gum conditions early. The first and least... read more »

How Does Invisalign® Shift Our Smiles?

The primary image surrounding orthodontics is a metal, train-track smile. We see it plainly in orthodontics offices’ logos: brackets and wires and bands. Fixing a smile has long been a very public and noticeable affair. There is even evidence that braces existed in some form as far back as ancient Egypt! So it can be puzzling to look at Invisalign®,... read more »